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We are a community choir, with no restrictions on who may join other than age: anyone over 18 is eligible, and we have no audition requirement. All we are looking for is an enthusiasm for singing and a commitment to the rehearsal process.

​Rehearsals take place every Wednesday at 7.15pm at Canton Uniting Church, Cowbridge Road East, CF5 1LQ and currently last until 8.55pm with a short break. We usually  perform two concerts a year – a winter concert in late January or early February, and a summer concert in July. Our winter concerts have normally focused on large-scale works with orchestra, such as Duruflé’s Requiem, Mendelssohn’s Elijah and Bach’s Magnificat. At our next concert on 8th February 2025 we will be performing Brahms' Ein deutsches Requiem and Britten's Rejoice in the Lamb.


​More information about our past performances can be found on the "Performances" page.


About the Choir


Our Ethos

  1. Membership is not restricted on grounds of sexuality, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, or any other condition. Our only restriction is a minimum age limit of 18. We do not require an audition to join the choir. All that is required is an enthusiasm for singing, and a commitment to the rehearsal process.

  2. The choir is part of the wider amateur musical community. Over the past few years, members of the choir have been involved in several Welsh National Opera Community Projects. This has benefited the choir enormously as those of us involved have had the opportunity to extend our knowledge in several areas of singing and performing techniques.  We have forged links with other singers across South Wales, performed in the Wales Millennium Centre, and other public performance spaces across the country. We have also received invitations to take part in choral workshops organised by the BBC National Orchestra of Wales Chorus under Adrian Partington.

  3. We have forged links with the professional musical community in Cardiff and beyond. Our annual winter concert is often accompanied by a professional orchestra and soloists, most of whom have  studied at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, or Cardiff University.

  4. We are part of the wider community, having performed in different churches and venues in Canton and Splott. Our performances contribute to the wide array of classical music making in Cardiff, and aim to be as accessible as possible to the public.



There are three rates of membership, paid at the discretion of individual members:


  • Full rate membership is £180 per year


  • Reduced rate membership (state pensioners, full time students etc) is £120 per year


  • Minimal rate membership £0. This is available if your circumstances are such that you feel that you cannot afford the reduced rate.


There are a number of ways to pay:


  • Monthly standing order. Full rate £15 per month, reduced rate £10 per month


  • Three termly payments – full rate £60 per term, reduced rate £40 per term, due in September, January, and April.


  • Annual payment in full – rate listed above.


Please contact the Chair or Treasurer for further details about payments and subscriptions. Payments are accepted via bank transfer, cash, and cheque. Canton Chorus is a registered charity (no.1166663). If you are a UK taxpayer, we would be grateful if you are able to complete a Gift Aid declaration form (available from the Treasurer), which will enable us to reclaim the tax paid on your subscription and any donations you make, at no extra cost to you. 


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designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

Amazon. You can shop on Amazon whilst supporting the choir by clicking this link.

We also welcome donations from patrons to cover the overheads of running an organisation such as ours, namely venue hire, music staff payments, and concert fees for musicians. If you would like to donate to the choir, please contact the Chair.


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